The above image shows a Guy Fawkes mask (recently popularized in the film V for Vendetta). Guy Fawkes was involved in a rebellion against King James in the early 1600s. Fawke's role in the rebellion was discovered and he was tortured, tried and sentenced to hang. From a Wikipedia article on the man:
Although weakened by torture, Fawkes managed to jump from the gallows, breaking his neck in the fall and thus avoiding the agony of the latter part of his execution. His lifeless body was nevertheless quartered and, as was the custom, his body parts were then distributed to "the four corners of the kingdom", to be displayed as a warning to other would-be traitors.
An excellent new website called Fawkes News has recently appeared on the net. The site's mission is to bring to our attention good news stories on the subjects of wrongdoings by big government and big corporations and on the protests against these wrongdoings.
The website is can be found at, I recommend you take a look at it, and then if interested, enroll in its "follow by email" option (I did). This will send you an email whenever there's a new post. It can be terminated anytime you want - so there is no downside. A great way to get a daily heads up on good stories on these subjects and avoid the junk conspiracy stories.
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